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$conrad Proposals (8)
ADA Handle Wallet Authentication
Solution: Integrate dApp-ready wallets to our Minting Portal. This will allow us to verify users who are staked to a pool while also removing email.
Handle Personalization | ADA Handle
Solution: The Handle Personalization Standard will integrate Handles to unique Smart Contracts in order to create personalized datasets, that will include profile pictures, social-media accounts and a lot more.
subHandles | ADA Handle
Solution: The owner of a root Handle, such as $acme*,* will have the option to issue as many subHandles as needed and allocate them to any Cardano-based payment address. Examples: treasury@acme and john@acme.
Decentralized Minting | ADA Handle
Solution: Utilizing Merkle Tree data structures, a <u>cryptopraphic primitive</u>, the Handle Standard will migrate the minting of <u>Handles and subHandles</u> to a fully decentralized Smart Contract-based technology.
The Handle Marketplace | ADA Handle
Solution: The Handle Marketplace will provide buyers and sellers with a complete and Handle-centric platform for trading <u>Handles and subHandles</u> in the secondary market, that will evolve along with the Standard.
HandleChat by ADA Handle | $handle
Solution: HandleChat is a $handle-integrated on- and off-chain decentralized communications protocol for wallets, dApps, and others that will, in the future, also monetize HandleChat Node Operators (HNOs).
HandlePay Framework by $handle.
Solution: HandlePay Framework is the solution that will create a Venmo-like application leveraging on existing $handles and HandleChat, to create a global-tier premium UI/UX transacting application for Cardano.
DRep Integration by $handle.
Solution: $handles are the leading naming service on Cardano and the logical next step is to integrate DRep IDs into the ADA Handle protocol via a secure on-chain solution to further empower the Voltaire era.
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Wallet authentication has now been implemented for, which now allows us to filter access to our minting portal based on specific metrics. Presently our only requirement is that the wallets have at least 10 ADA but this implementation is flexible and we can, for example, require that wallets be staked for N epochs and with a specific set of pools.
We are still working on the deliverables and although it's on track, we got behind because of our official launch early March 2022.
ADA Handle just concluded its public sale, on March 15th, so now we are going to continue to build the Wallet Authentication dApp, as per our Fund7 proposal.