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alexander.cimpeanu own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
3.03 Star
Value for money
2.69 Star
Impact / Alignment
3.16 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


alexander.cimpeanu Proposals (41)

AdaQuest - Concept Phase 2

$55,000 Requested

Solution: ++Phase 2 will offer:++

3D D-Crawler Coop PVP/PVE  Matchmaking Looting, NFT Drops (play2earn) Gain territory for your Tribe!

Challenge: Fund 7
over budget Requested 0.688% of the fund.
0 (1)

Flooftopia: Vietnamese Translation

$7,500 Requested

Solution: Flooftopia will provide Vietnamese language integration to engage more Vietnamese users, thereby broadening the impact of the game and the Cardano Ecosystem.

Challenge: Fund 9
not approved Requested 0.047% of the fund.
0 (1)

FluxusNetwork European investment security for Cardano

₳380,000 Requested

Solution: We fund setting up a document that allows FluxusNetwork to legally withhold and vest funds to projects and mitigate the risk for investors to lose 100% of the investment

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.76% of the fund.
0 (1)

MLabs x FluxusNetwork, risk mitigation for investments for Cardano projects

₳412,000 Requested

Solution: The smart contract offers investment security in the field of game development. As an investor, you either get a game or part of your money back.

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.824% of the fund.
0 (1)

Rensa Games X FluxusNetwork

₳75,000 Requested

Solution: Rensa games can offer a marketplace for game developers to offer their assets and have them participate in gamejams with AAA companies. Resulting funds are smart contract destributed to the devs.

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.15% of the fund.
0 (1)

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