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Cem Karaca
I completed a Master's degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. My thesis was about to create a complete Video on Demand system with client-server architecture with its own network protocol called Reliable UDP. After graduating, I set up a high-security financial data center in 2004. Then, in 2019, I started a new cyber security startup with three of my staff. The same year, the startup was funded by the largest bank in Turkey.
I started programming when I was 12 years old, and about 6 years later, I met the Internet, which introduced so many things to me. Open source was the biggest among them. Later on, I wrote a book about Linux and open-source systems. For me, open-source philosophy was the key to real human potential. It was making the secrets of the institutions public.
In the corrupt financial system we are used to living in, a person or group named Satoshi designed the decentralized digital currency called Bitcoin. And afterward, new techniques that were not part of our current order began to develop. Then, in 2021, I met Cardano, where like-minded people find each other. So when I dig deeper into Cardano, I suddenly found myself in the Cardano4Climate community trying to do things to stop climate change with a bunch of people all around the world.
With friends from Cardano4Climate, we formed up littlefish Foundation. It is a system, a reason for being. Encourage people to do anything for the good of the common. It is an experiment to build collective intelligence.
Now, I have decided to retire from all of my real-world business to solely think, dream, and work for the littlefish Foundation.
Community Reviews across funding rounds
Funding data last updated
Cem Karaca Proposals (21)
Littlefish Foundation Kiva-like DAO
Solution: A DAO inspired by that funds SDG activists and builds opensource tech to make funding transparent, community driven and trust based
Cardano After Dark - Hold'em poker
Solution: Create a decentralised poker-platform where players can play for cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets with minimum fees
SAF Simple Application Framework
Solution: Let's build a modular and extensible framework for bootstrapping Cardano applications!
Decentralized REDIS state channels
Solution: Apply REDIS, a best-in-class in-memory database, to create a decentralized state-channel service for dApp developers.
Littlefish - Coordinating Action
Solution: A platform that coordinates decentralized collaboration by incentivizing execution and rewarding action
Onboarding through events
Solution: We will run monthly impact-related thematic events to attract and onboard newcomers and build stronger community engagement.
littlefish - Redefining Earning
Solution: A well-engineered crypto-economy where individuals share earnings within peer networks, without bosses, allowing DAOs and other organizations to collaborate like never before.
littlefish - Ocean Organizations
Solution: A dedicated team of organizational researchers, to produce up-to-date information about developments, curate it, and conduct original research on the processes of decentralized organizations.
Onboarding Pikes Malawi Community
Solution: A How-To for onboarding individuals to the Cardano Ecosystem in their native language. Simple How-To, helps people create wallets, send/receive ADA, transfer funds to local exchanges and use ADA-Fiat.
littlefish - Ikigai in Community
Solution: An Ikigai based visual onboarding/member profile tool, charting what each member loves, is good at, can be paid for, and thinks the community needs.
littlefish - Shaping Action
Solution: A complete platform that enables decentralized communities, starting with specifying, testing, and implementing the basic building block of decentralized work: the Action NFT.
Open Source NFT Display and Gallery
Solution: A fully customizable open-source javascript framework with an NFT display, gallery, and metadata support.
Open-source sign-in framework: Sign-in with wallet and/or CNFTs
Solution: An open source JS framework that allows developers to implement sign-on/sign-in with wallet and CNFTs, and easy integration to existing user management systems.
Open Source NFT & Wallet Auth Framework for Cardano
Solution: We will create an open-source JS framework enabling Cardano dApps to implement NFT and wallet-based user authentication.
Cardano Marketplace SDK
Solution: We will provide a ready-to-use SDK template with guided documentation, enabling React developers to easily build and deploy NFT marketplaces on Cardano, reducing complexity and time-to-market.
Turkish Cardano Initiation
Solution: We will produce engaging, educational videos on Cardano to boost its visibility and understanding across Turkey, fostering adoption by demonstrating its unique advantages and applications.
Cardano Mobile Multisig Wallet
Solution: We will develop an open-source mobile multisig wallet for Cardano, enabling secure joint account management and transactions, enhancing security and usability for enterprises and groups.
Cardano Marketplace SDK
Solution: We will provide a ready-to-use SDK template with guided documentation, enabling React developers to easily build and deploy NFT marketplaces on Cardano, reducing complexity and time-to-market.
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we have met our target and are on track for alpha on testnet in August. Also already experimenting with the library in CAD.
We have a basic working interface for state-channels that use redis.