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Philip Khoo
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Community advisor from fund 3. Fund 4 proposal Infographic Series 1, Community Landing Page
Community Reviews across funding rounds
Philip Khoo Proposals (45)
Voter Tool - AIM
<p>Voter's access to information about proposals and assessments is limited and not presented in a user-friendly way.</p>
Voter tool translations - AIM
<p>Voter-tools, the community made tool is only in English. Resources are needed to translate the tool into other languages.</p>
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM
Solution: Provide a tool that guides proposers through the process with access to numerous frameworks that assist with structure.
Visual communication for community
Solution: Create visual resources to continue the series of info graphics that visually describe Project Catalyst from Fund 3.
Catalyst Community Tools
Solution: Build tools to improve the efficiency of Proposers and Community Advisors work during Catalyst proposals' assessment and review phases. Community Page
Solution: Continue development a community driven Community Landing Page that links to the various material relating to Project Catalyst.
Co-participation fund:
Solution: Create a side treasure that explores different funding models. In this case, a co-funding model exploring funding for low cost proposals.
Japanese Voter Survey - AIM
Solution: Create an incentivized survey in Japanese to obtain information about voters & allow this info to support future Catalyst improvements.
ADA Holder Engagement Survey - AIM
Solution: Create incentivized surveys to obtain info from a statistically significant number of voters and distribute this data to guide improvements.
Community Governance Oversight
Solution: Survey, report & facilitate retrospectives to improve our governance processes.
Easy Engagement - New Members - AIM
Solution: A platform that matches between funded proposals needs and member expertise.
Mentoring Africa to Success
Solution: Reach out to African Catalyst skilled Mentors, to onboard them into PMM's platform to help African proposers to deliver solid proposals.
Ideation Protocol Work Group
Solution: Undertake a series of summits with projects working on ideation to agree on protocol level implementations.
CA Guidelines Joint Drafting
Solution: Use consenz: agreements building platform to define the CA work and draft clear guidelines in a collaborative, focused and transparent way
vCA-tool Dev & Maitain - AIM
Solution: Provide adequate funding to ensure that the tools is maintained and additional features are added.
Community Governance Oversight
Solution: Provide community oversight of Catalyst governance processes.
Login with Cardano Wallet - cAuth
Solution: Develop a decentralized, open-source authentication system that uses open standards and provides a way to login with just the Cardano blockchain.
Community Governance Oversight (CGO) Parameters Platform
Solution: Build an open-source platform where the community can log and view changes to Catalyst governance parameters, and a team who will maintain oversight and report regularly to the community.
Monthly Reports
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Moved tech from Vue 2 to Vue 3. Prepared tools for Fund 10 data within the details that are available.
The tool is feature complete and currently in internal testing. General the UI has been created and the connections on-chain have been implemented. We are aiming to close this project in the next reporting period.
Much of the work is in preparation for the next fund. We have finished the vue3 migration, and are adding and reworking the filters connected to the new API
We've on boarded our new development team to understand Cardano and the relevant Catalyst processes. And they've been implementing our other on chain proposal. The pause in development has pushed back our delivery - but we aim to complete with two months.
The draft of the protocol is written and is awaiting development capacity. The delivery of the revised and final version of the protocol is expected in three weeks
We delivered the fund 9 updates to the vPA-tool and help run a successful review of the PA assessments. We've started the transition to Vue3 and have the Community API back end developed and preparing it to test for future fund use.
Since last report Catalyst Fund 9 was successfully opened, run and closed. The CA-tool was renamed the PA-Tool inline with the changes to the role. The data was successfully obtained and the PA process was successfully undertaken by the participating community members. We have worked on general and specific improvements to the process and continue to do so - these will be seen in the next fund PA process. Reporting will be suspended until the successful completion of Fund 10 PA process.
We have already finalized and publish the data in our reposority (, and are about to submit the close-out report and video.
We are almost done with the analysis and the report, but we haven’t been able to finalize unfortunately because of other Catalyst (paid and unpaid) projects that would cause more problems if they were to be delayed.
Not at this time
We will under take the lottery reward allocation next week and make payments to participants soon after. We are now aiming to release all three survey results across the funds, 6, 7 & 8 together to offer a comparison between them at a single time.
We have partnered with Latam Townhall to undertake the translations as a part of their language translation initiative.
Not at this time
We are almost done with the analysis and the report, but we haven’t been able to finalize unfortunately because of other Catalyst (paid and unpaid) projects that would cause more problems if they were to be delayed.