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RootsID builds identity solutions that empower human potential with digital identities that are nuanced, safe, and portable
Community Reviews across funding rounds
Funding data last updated
RootsID Proposals (29)
RootsWallet - Presentation Exchange
Solution: We will continue to improve our Open Source RootsWallet by adding more standardized Presentation Exchange protocols.
WAL-CLI Presentation Exchange
Solution: Expand WAL-CLI implementation to include the protocols required for credential presentation and verification between WAL-CLI and RootsWallet
Cardano SSI standards contributors
Solution: RootsID regularly engages ToIP/DIF/HL working groups, establishing a consistent Cardano/Prism/Catalyst voice at the table of SSI leadership
WAL-CLI Communication
Solution: Expand WAL implementation to include required functionality so a communication channel can be stablished between RootsWallet and WAL-CLI
RootsWallet - Support for sidetree
Solution: We will continue improving our Open Source RootsWallet by adding interoperability with sidetree-cardano Decentralized Identity method.
Cardano SSI Contributors - Season 2
Solution: RootsID regularly engages ToIP/DIF/HL working groups, establishing a consistent Cardano/Prism/Catalyst voice at the table of SSI leadership. We are spreading the news about Cardano's identity efforts
RootsWallet - User Feedback Updates
Solution: RootsWallet will continue to improve based on the feedback from users and UX experts. RootsID will implement these recommendations to evolve the design of RootsWallet, making it intuitive/useful/fun!
KERI bridge for Cardano
Solution: RootsID will work closely with the team behind KERI to develop the first implementation of a witness for key event logs, making Cardano a secondary root of trust.
RootsWallet - Aries JS
Solution: RootsID will integrate Aries JavaScript framework into RootsWallet and pave the way to interoperate with most of the Self-Sovereign Identity systems in the blockchain community.
RootsWallet - iPhone version
Solution: RootsID will integrate the new Atala Prism Javascript SDK and build an iPhone version of RootsWallet.
The Universal Mediator - Streamlining SSI Agents for Mass Adoption by RootsID
Solution: We aim to productionalize and maintain a universal DIDComm v2 mediator, reducing friction for developers in deploying identity solutions.
Prism support for popular SSI agents. Adding prism to Veramo and Aries Framework Agents.
Solution: We will provide two Prism plugins; one to the Veramo ecosystem and one to the Aries ecosystem and demonstrate interoperability between them and the Prism v2 ecosystem.
GLEIF Network Super-Watcher on Cardano by RootsID
Solution: We will leverage our previous work from Fund 9 "Cardano KERI bridge" as the basis for a GLEIF Network super-watcher.
GLEIF Network Super-Watcher on Cardano by RootsID
Solution: We will leverage our previous work from Fund 9 "Cardano KERI bridge" as the basis for a GLEIF Network super-watcher.
Maternal Mortality Crisis Solution - DoulaID: an identity app
Cardano and GLEIF vLEI identity network
Solution: GLEIF and RootsID will connect the Cardano/KERI ecosystem with the GLEIF vLEI identity network by growing the open source web/mobile/api-service offerings created by the Cardano Foundation and RootsID
Switchchord: Amplifying Rights Management with Trusted Data
Solution: Switchchord uses did:webS identifiers and will bridge to the Cardano/KERI identity ecosystem to model legal relationships as credentials and enable access across the music industry flows/databases.
Maternal Mortality Crisis Solution - DoulaID: Cardano/KERI identity app
Monthly Reports
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We evolved several mocks to improve the UI, especially for the mediation connection and peer connection and completed the functionality in RootsWallet. We have now added it to our new repo and done our final reviews.
We have done several more UI/UX sessions that have improved our mocks for how the iphone app has evolved relative to legacy RootsWallet UI We have continued to evolve our unified UI repository that is capable of being run in android, iOS, and web We have also had several more meetings with the Atala Prism team to plan our iPhone integration and for the first time ever completed prism calls from iphone through our new UI. This completes the functionality for this proposal.
In this second month we have used several PoC implementations of JWT and JSON-LD credentials. We have continued to lead the Cardanon SSI Alliance working group called the anoncreds-wg. The Slack server/channel for that group is and the github repo for the meetings, documentation, and anoncreds method for Cardano is
We have completed the implementation an open source proof of concept for how to use Cardano as a KERI backer and provided a jupyter notebook for running the demonstration of the proof of concept. We attended many KERI meetings and did several planning sessions in order to achieve this first ever achievement on Cardano and for the KERI community. There have been several discussions about follow-on work within both communities to leverage this work in support of use cases for both Cardano and KERI and discussions regarding future work to utilize did:keri, RootsWallet, DIDCommV2, etc.
We have attended over 60 SSI meetings and one SSI conference (Fall 2022 Internet Identity Workshop in Mountain View CA). We have lead several new meetings in Hyperledger Aries (aries-didcommv2-wg) in the Cardano SSI Alliance (anoncreds-wg) and in DIF (didcomm-ug). We presented the first integration of KERI on Cardano (Cardano KERI Backer) to the BiWeekly KERI meeting.
We have been collaborating with IOG to integrate the latest Prism library as the issuer and holder roles. The open source service can be found here The open source identity wallet can be found here The mocks for the Discord Social credential in RootsWallet can be found here
We have attended over 30 SSI meetings and one SSI conference (Fall 2022 Internet Identity Workshop in Mountain View CA). We have begun working on our first video of season 2.
We produced several mocks to improve the UI, especially for the mediation connection and peer connection and completed the functionality in RootsWallet It still needs to be added to our new UI repo (next month).
We began the effort by doing several mocks for how the iphone app might compare with the current RootsWallet UI We have started a UI repository that is capable of being run in android, iOS, and web. This is the beginning of major improvements to RootsWallet UI, which could only be run in android. We have simulated about 60% of the RootsWallet UI so far in this new repository We will continue to flesh it out. We have also had several meetings with the Atala Prism team to plan our iPhone integration and will be collaborating with them to improve their swift SDK and open API.
In this first month we have completed several PoC implementations of JWT and JSON-LD credentials. We have also participated in comparison and analysis of the well-known credentials within the global SSI community, documented here We have discussed and debated the latest changes to be considered for the Latest VC Data Model spec. And finally we have started a Cardanon SSI Alliance working group called the anoncreds-wg. The Slack server/channel for that group is and the github repo for the meetings, documentation, and anoncreds method for Cardano is
We have researched and implemented an open source proof of concept for how to use Cardano as a KERI backer and provided a jupyter notebook for running the demonstration of the proof of concept. We attended many KERI meetings and did several planning sessions in order to achieve this first ever achievement on Cardano and for the KERI community. There have been several discussions about follow-on work within both communities to leverage this work in support of use cases for both Cardano and KERI and discussions regarding future work to utilize did:keri, RootsWallet, DIDCommV2, etc.
For this effort we have planned our milestones, mocked the interaction in RootsWallet for displaying the credential, and begun design/implementation of the service that will provide the credential. The open source service can be found here The open source identity wallet can be found here The mocks for the Discord Social credential in RootsWallet can be found here
Project is completed. Only pending the close out report and video. Open source code: PR with specific code:
The project admin and documentation set-up is complete. We have onboarded three researchers and are in the process of onboarding a fourth. We are working through the literature collation phase of this project, and then will focus on collation for a second Catalyst research project this coming month.
We are very excited to be brining the rich features of the open source Aries Framework Javascript into RootsWallet to help us implement and more thorough backup and recovery!
Project started this month. Initial lines of code in our repo.
We have enjoyed the last 6 weeks of attending meetings at ToIP, DIF, Hyperledger, and KERI. The meetings and relationships have lead to two specific Fund 9 proposals to collaborate with ecosystems outside of Cardano, whose communities could benefit from the Cardano/Atala Prism communities. We have finished 4 vlogs on youtube, including the latest RootsID SSI Report - S1E4 - NFTs and VCs. We have attached that latest video, but you can also see it on our youtube channel
Our first episode is on youtube and all of our meeting notes are here under Activity Log
We are transitioning from the Admin Set-Up phase of the project into the team-led Research phase. This set-up time has moved our initial deadline back by a month. The report will still be delivered within the campaigns 6 month time horizon.
We are very excited to have RootsWallet alpha release available to our alpha testers and with our beta development for backup/restore to be influenced by the great open source work done with the Hyperledger Aries project.
Project will start on 1/7/2022
This project is in the administrative set-up and capacity building phase.
We are very excited to be starting :)
We are very excited to be getting started!
You can see the close out video at
Just funded. Will start in two weeks.
We have begun internal demos of the app. and look forward to our first partner/lurker demos at the end of April :)
This is very exciting work! The Catalyst community has been amazing. Thank you for your help :)