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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Melanie Proposals (7)
Littlefish Foundation Kiva-like DAO
Solution: A DAO inspired by that funds SDG activists and builds opensource tech to make funding transparent, community driven and trust based
Cross-Chain Impact Lead Generator
Solution: Modelling interoperability in the Cardano Impact Community to generate multi-chain collaborations & be a key player in impact collaboration.
C4C Community Hub Operations
Solution: This proposal aims to enable the required budget to reward Cardano4climate core contributors and services over the next 3 months.
Community Lead Generation
Solution: Innovative ‘Cardano Impact Community’ model that generates business collaborations for those seeking to be blockchain for impact pioneers.
Community collaboration standards
Solution: A purpose driven community to build common standards, processes, and tools to increase synergies across projects.
Onboarding through events
Solution: We will run monthly impact-related thematic events to attract and onboard newcomers and build stronger community engagement.
The Impact Onboarding
Solution: Build an onboarding model through an active catalyst community to welcome, connect, and support onboarding newcomers
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