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nzola8 own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
3.88 Star
Value for money
3.13 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.39 Star
4.09 Star
Addresses Challenge
4.3 Star
Impact Alignment
4.3 Star
Value for Money
3.81 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

nzola8 Proposals (13)

Lokole Education Centre in DR Congo

$9,420 Received
$9,420 Requested

Solution: We have built an off/online portable web and email network called "Lokole" to help establish a truly African  network for digital education.

Challenge: Fund 7
completed Awarded 0.118% of the fund.

Cardano/Lokole Network integration

$12,000 Requested

Solution: We have built an off/online portable web and email network called "Lokole" to help connect the unconnected.

Challenge: Fund 7
not approved Requested 0.15% of the fund.
0 (1)

Lokole/Cardano community Networks

$45,000 Requested

Solution: Lokole/Cardano Community Networks are a shareable system to connect the unconnected individuals and communities locally and to the world web

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.281% of the fund.
0 (1)

Lokole/Cardano community Networks

$45,000 Requested

Solution: Lokole/Cardano Community Networks solution is a shared system which aim to connect any unconnected individual into modern telecommunications

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.281% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano/Lokole Network integration

$67,200 Requested

Solution: Integrating Cardano Ecosystem to our network Lokole, gives values to the unconnected communities and to Cardano expension to the rural areas

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.42% of the fund.

Lokole and Cardano Integration Quick Pitch

$67,200 Requested

Solution: We have built a solar charged portable off/online server device called box Lokole Numerique, which will give Cardano Ecosystem the golden opportunity to reach out to the world unconnected populations.

Challenge: Fund 9
not approved Requested 0.42% of the fund.

Lokole to Grow Africa Grow Cardano Quick Pitch

$48,129 Requested

Solution: We built the proven solution to Grow Africa Grow Cardano. We call it; "Box Lokole Numerique" An on/offline portable server device to bridge the digital divide. It operates on Battery and solar power.

Challenge: Fund 9
over budget Requested 0.301% of the fund.

Lokole Digital Library Monetization

$31,200 Requested

Solution: We propose to develop annual report to show how much social Impact our product Box Lokole Numerique to serve as an element of collecting data & demonstrating and monetizing social impact.

Challenge: Fund 9
not approved impact proposal Requested 0.195% of the fund.
0 (1)

BOX LOKOLE NUMERIQUE, a powerful device to promote and accelerate Cardano/ADA adoption in Africa where there is or no internet.

₳60,129 Received
₳60,129 Requested

Solution: We plan to collect, most of Cardano digital educational and information materials; video, audio & documents to load them into BOX LOKOLE NUMERIQUE to enable access to the unconnected to internet.

Challenge: Fund 10
completed Awarded 0.12% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Offline Raspberry pi Multi-User Network Node

₳100,000 Requested

Solution: Cardano Offline Raspberry Pi Multi-User Network will use a Raspberry pi node to provide

ADA transactions between Cardano currency system and our cloud VM to serve the internet unconnected communities

Challenge: Fund 11
not approved Requested 0.2% of the fund.
0 (1)

EmpowerNet: Bridging Education, Curation, and Community Impact Offline

₳150,000 Requested

Solution: Deploy our customized offline WiFi servers "Box Lokole Numerique" in local Cardano clubs and educational institutions to curate and disseminate Cardano Ecosystem relevant content.

Challenge: Fund 11
not approved Requested 0.3% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Digital Education Library without Internet

₳90,193 Requested

Solution: We have collected Cardano digital educational materials, video & documents to load into our off/online server, BOX LOKOLE NUMERIQUE to enable schools with or without internet to Cardano introduction.

Challenge: Fund 12
not approved Requested 0.18% of the fund.
0 (0)

Promoting Cardano Educational Videos in Africa through Offline Content Server

₳45,100 Requested

Solution: We plan to promote Cardano digital educational content, using the upgraded offline wireless server "Box Lokole Numerique", we build and tested successfully with the Cardano community in fund 10.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.09% of the fund.
0 (0)

Monthly Reports

Thanks for your support! Now thousands will access digital educational materials in Bumbu Community in Kinshasa, Congo DRC

Disbursed to Date
Completion Target
Comments 0

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Room renovation completed, purchased 11 seats and 11 android tablets, installed solar power system and planning to open our doors for the public on May 1, 2022.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
Comments 0

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The above are the images of the Lokole education center room repaired and painted.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
Comments 0

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