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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Angela Proposals (12)
Naisula and Aida
Solution: Creating a game that interfaces the life of Ada Lovelace and a Samburu girl Naisula from marginalized tribes of Kenya in a time travel world
Solution: Savings pooled and traded in the Crypto Markets to raise funds for livelihood, solar cash power and housing. Aim is to get them digital IDs.
East African Catalyst developers
Solution: There is need to build a the developer ecosystem that helps them to have a sense of community and a place they can share ideas
Developers Open Sourced Licensing
Solution: Build capacity of experts through an understanding of existing open source licensing models
Curb Crime by capturing Data
Solution: Conduct a survey and Dapp on compliance to requirements of licensed boda boda riders to help law enforcement and social protection
Empower 400 marginalized girls
Solution: Create a digital education outreach hub that supports 400 marginalized girls from Kenyan pastoralist communities for digital empowerment
SSI for Coffee in East Africa
Solution: Build an SSI Tool to quality assess the middlemen on Atala Prism. Make a "Michelin Star" rating to restore purchasing power to the farmers
Cardano needs Math Teachers
Solution: Train Math teachers to teach Haskel
More Developers on Cardano
Solution: There is need to build a the developer ecosystem that helps them to have a sense of community and a place they can share ideas
Cardano Africa SmartFarming DApp Quick Pitch
Solution: Create a photo taking DApp using AI, ML, Robotics to improve efficiency of farm production. Conduct user research and behavioral data to prototype a mobile app for SmartFarming in the coffee industry.
CardanoCoffeeChain: SmartFarming Environment Benchmark
Solution: Create a photo taking dApp using AI, ML, Robotics to improve efficiency of farm production. Conduct user research and behavioral data to prototype a mobile app for SmartFarming in the coffee industry.
Cardano Coffee Chain: AI SmartFarming dApp
Solution: Create a photo taking dApp using AI, ML, Robotics to improve efficiency of farm production. Conduct user research and behavioral data to prototype a mobile app for SmartFarming in the coffee industry.
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Its going great! We have had 4 meetings We have begun training on the blockchain, Cardano and the hardware from Seedstar We have identified and begun looking at the farm in Uganda We have interviewed the farm owner and Farm manager, We are still working on interviewing the farm worker We have ordered the sensors from China We are still waiting to order the LoraWan hardware and internet because of output of the budget We are in discussions with IOHK to resolve that The sensors have arrived at the Kenyan border but the price is high We have gotten stuck in the mud for 2.5 hours looking for a suitable Kenyan Farm We have lost contact with our Tanzanian partner, who has missed 5 meetings. We are looking for another We have scheduled a meeting with a lawyer We have scheduled travel to Uganda to deliver the sensors and observe the farm.
Our goal is to conduct user research and behavioral data to prototype a mobile app for SmartFarming in the coffee industry. We've chosen a Ugandan farm to work with. We have had a meeting between the project manager and the team in Uganda regarding training the farm managers. We have had a meeting between The Kenya Team to narrow down which farm to work with. We've planned a meeting with the Tanzanian Team to figure out which farm they will work with. We have had a meeting [Tuesday 18 Oct 22] between the Project Manager and the teams in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to discuss expectations, project planning and future goals. We also created a logo and decided how we will be known from here onwards.