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Community Reviews across funding rounds
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domanhh Proposals (6)
Reward for Community Translators
Solution: Build a reward mechanism to encourage the participation of community members in creating the best translations and interesting videos.
FIMI-Vietnamese Cardano Talk
Solution: Build a rewarding mechanism to encourage members to find out the news, documents of Cardano, then present them to the community every week.
Plutus Video Sub for Vietnam Devs
Solution: Translate IOHK's pioneering Plutus course videos into documents for Vietnamese developers to easily access and learn. Forming a team of developers using the Plutus. programming language
CardanoTalk for Vietnamese Quick Pitch
Solution: Build a rewarding mechanism to encourage members to find out the news, documents of Cardano, then present them to the community.
Marlowe Course for Vietnam Devs
Solution: Introducing a free course to make the Cardano blockchain easy for new developers. This is the first step for talented developers to dive deeper into the Cardano blockchain world.
Blockchain Course for Vietnam Devs
Solution: Organize short training courses for developers in Vietnam to help them have the right knowledge about blockchain technology and its application in life.
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