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Modern technology for a better, sustainable world.
Loxe Inc. is a remote-only, highly distributed team servicing the citizens of the world by enhancing existing and innovating novel systems with the purpose of unlocking social potential for a better world for all.
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The Team (5)
Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with Loxe. Individuals may not be employed at Loxe. This is is is not representative of Loxe's full team.
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Victor Corcino
Azbai Arreguin
Matthias Sieber
Eli Selkin
Loxe Challenges (8)
Challenge: Miscellaneous Challenge
Challenge: Conflict Transformation
Challenge: Gamers On-Chained
Challenge: Miscellaneous Challenge
Challenge: Distributed Governance
Challenge: Developer Ecosystem
Challenge: Community Advisor Improvements
Challenge: Gamers On-Chained
Loxe Proposals (68)
Catalyst: Exploratory Data Analysis
<p>Catalyst already generates lots of data (voting results, advisors scores…) that are not being used to bring value to the process.</p>
Community Tools Maintenance/Updates
<p>Catalyst is constantly changing and evolving. Without maintenance and updates, useful Community Tools will become outdated and useless.</p>
BR/US University Hubs!
Solution: Create 'University Community Hubs' in Brazil/US that deepen relationships between colleges and cities as innovation hubs.
Bind to other Prog.Languages
Solution: Developing bindings for other languages that do not force developers to move from the comfort of their usual development environments.
Terra Cognita: AI+Blockchain Gaming
Solution: Terra Cognita, an online, cooperative, strategy, RPG game, where players create and set AI/ML based characters to explore a whole new world.
NLP Applied to Conflict Resolution
Solution: Developing ML NLP models to support better outcomes in conflict resolution.
Gaming & Artificial Brains
Solution: Develop 'artificial brains' to be used in Terra Cognita game, which will be open sourced after the game is completely developed.
PAB Container Log Processor
Solution: Develop a set of tools for parsing logs from the PAB so that they are queriable from the frontend to determine state following transactions.
Fiverr Clone on Cardano
Solution: Build a fair marketplace with fair fees to benefit both sides of the marketplace.
Adatar.me Address Book
Solution: Develop an address book for Adatar.me.
Adatar.me to NFT
Solution: Integrate NFT minting onto the platform to convert adatars to Cardano NFTs.
Win-Win South Africa Expansion
Solution: Outreach universities, legal bodies and local governments in South Africa to expand and localize Win-Win services.
Win-Win Japan Expansion
Solution: Outreach universities, legal bodies and local governments in Japan to expand and localize Win-Win services.
Win-Win India Expansion
Solution: Outreach universities, legal bodies and local governments in India to expand and localize Win-Win services.
Insight Sharing Workshops - TCS
Solution: Host challenge-specific workshops with domain experts and in collaboration with Challenge Team during the Insight Sharing stage.
Win-Win Platform Auditing
Solution: Get an expert 3rd party to audit the smart contracts of the Win-Win platform.