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- A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
- For these core member, a script finds all the proposals for which they are the primary author & attribute that proposal to the group.
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FLUID7 Limited
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FLUID7 Ltd. is a UK based web development agency and operator of FLUID Stake pool. With a deep-rooted passion for blockchain technology and its potential for transformative change, Director Jonathan found himself immersed in Project Catalyst early in 2021, igniting his commitment to the Cardano ecosystem. Recognizing the importance of decentralization, on-chain governance, financial autonomy, and self-sovereign identity, he launched FLUID Stake pool during the final stages of the Shelley era. As he transitions FLUID7 from being a Web2 agency to Web3, Jonathan embraces the principles of decentralization and individual empowerment through the mission-based FLUID stakepool. Jonathan and his team actively contribute to real-world impact by donating a portion of their proceeds to charitable causes, all while driving adoption and promoting the growth of the Cardano blockchain.
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The Team (4)
Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with FLUID7 Limited. Individuals may not be employed at FLUID7 Limited. This is is is not representative of FLUID7 Limited's full team.
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Jonathan Adjei
FLUID7 Limited Proposals (5)
Mission driven and Accountable!
Solution: Make use of the B1G1 donation platform to tie promises to charitable projects.
For Cardano, Accountants & Lawyersl
Solution: Upskilling African accountants weand lawyers would solve this crisis and help to address the 6.73 million unemployed in Africa, starting with Zimbabwe. We will grow Cardano and Africa together.
Impact SPOs - Accountable and Verified!
Solution: Create an impact-focused Stake Pool Operator (SPO) network and consultancy to help delegators attain and maintain their social and charitable aims.
SPO Online Business Academy
Solution: Deliver our proven SPO incubator at scale, via a blockchain enabled, project based learning platform. Equipping SPO’s with tools & frameworks to help them build sustainable stakepool operations.
SPO Online Business Academy
Solution: Deliver our proven SPO incubator at scale, via a blockchain enabled, project based learning platform. Equipping SPO’s with tools & frameworks to help them build sustainable stakepool operations.