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How is this data calculated?
- A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
- For these core member, a script finds all the proposals for which they are the primary author & attribute that proposal to the group.
Despite our best efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information presented here, inconsistencies may exist.
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Done Collectively
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Done Collectively is a platform to coordinate impactful work while sharing meaning, influence, rewards and trust.
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The Team (1)
Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with Done Collectively. Individuals may not be employed at Done Collectively. This is is is not representative of Done Collectively's full team.
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Randall Harmon
Software developer and architect with background in accounting, distributed computing, cryptography, UI application and service architecture. I like music, good databases and creating great experiences for developers and end-users.
Done Collectively Proposals (5)
Done Collectively: Bounty Aggreg8r
Solution: Leveraging the Done Collectively DAO manageability platform, we will add bounty-aggregation features, serving bounty hunters and DAO members
Done Collectively Gitbook Integrati
Solution: Connect DC with best-available open source docs tools (Gitbook) enabling openness and transparency for any DAO - no github experience needed
Done Collectively Discord Integrati
Solution: Integrates chat for DAO Groups/Proposals/Projects with Discord channels; archives those Discord channel messages for better decentralization
Catalyst Governance Tooling Quick Pitch
Solution: We build a modular environment based on the Done Collectively platform, where the community can try and test objective setting, proposal prioritization and co-development, and other novel approaches.
Sponsored Learning Program for next-generation smart-contract architecture with Stellar Contracts
Solution: A 10-week, online, instructor-led course for all Cardano project contributors to gain intuition, high-level mental models and practical skills. +Rewards for community contribution.