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- A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
- For these core member, a script finds all the proposals for which they are the primary author & attribute that proposal to the group.
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DLT360 Consulting
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Changing the discourse on distributed ledger technology.
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The Team (4)
Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with DLT360 Consulting. Individuals may not be employed at DLT360 Consulting. This is is is not representative of DLT360 Consulting's full team.
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Maury Shenk
DLT360 Consulting Challenges (5)
Challenge: Business Solutions
Cardano with its research-based high-quality approach has great potential in real-world Industry and Business applications (B2B/B2B2C/B2C).
Challenge: Subscription-based Funding
There are teams providing valuable services to the community. Most of these services require continuous efforts, are not 'project based'.
Challenge: New SPO Business Opportunities
<p>Stake Pool Operators are a key-success-factor of Cardano. With their infrastructure and capabilities, important new services can be created</p>
Challenge: Funding Community Service Providers
Important services for supporting the community require stable expert teams. These teams cannot operate only with fund-to-fund financing
Challenge: Enabling Micro-Summits in 2022
Catalyst triggered hundreds of projects, many running in silo-mode, leading to substantial redundancies and lack of shared learning.
DLT360 Consulting Proposals (49)
DLT360: Metaverse and Governance
Solution: We want to research current status and outline definitions and approaches for future cross-chain governance.
DLT360: Metaverse Interoperability
Solution: We want to research current status and outline definitions and approaches for future cross-chain interoperability
DLT360: Metaverse and Taxonomy
Solution: We aim for important clarifications to answer: What is WEB 3.0? What is the Metaverse? University of Malta DLT institute will guide us
DLT360: Metaverse - Requirements
Solution: We will do literature review, research and discussions with gaming & cross-chain experts, aiming to propose a minimum viable tech-stack
DLT360: Review Catalyst Funnel
Solution: We want to visit this gold-mine of synergies and collaboration and invite suitable proposers to join the DLT360 contributor-network
DLT360: Environment RADAR Team
Solution: Our expert team & contributing network apply a well-defined process for keeping content valid and deliver the quarterly reporting
DLT360: Smart Internship (6 months)
Solution: A smart internship-program will allow us to free-up our domain-experts up from many administrative tasks
DLT360: WEBSITE & Video - Next Step
Solution: The basic DLT360 content will become more transparently & comfortably accessible for the community (RADAR, Presentations, Videos).
DLT360: Machines and the Metaverse
Solution: A detailed research will be summarised in a Whitepaper, aiming to find benefits for these OEM's by outlining future Metaverse strategies
DLT360: CPG Brands and Metaverse
Solution: Detailed research will be summarised in a Whitepaper, outlining the overall approaches, risks, opportunities and how to get started
DLT360: Business RADAR Team
Solution: Our business expert team & contributing network apply a well-defined process for keeping content valid and deliver the quarterly reporting
DLT360: EU-Regulation Lobbying
Solution: The DLT360 Risk and Opportunity Radar captures a holistic regulatory overview. We apply this for active lobbying in Europe during Q3 of 2022
DLT360: Regulatory RADAR Team
Solution: Our regulatory expert team & contributing network apply a well-defined process for keeping content valid and deliver a quarterly reporting
DLT360: Governance RADAR Team
Solution: Governance is key for success for complex open-source projects. DLT360 teams review, research literature, summarise and report quarterly
DLT360: Technology RADAR Team
Solution: We will add latest research regarding technology, investigate open standards and interoperability perspective, summarise & report quarterly
DLT360: Industry Onboarding Videos
Solution: Our Fund 7-funded industry onboarding and presentation environment will be complemented by short, exciting and target-group-focused videos