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- A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
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Direct Donations for Education powered by the Cardano blockchain
Building a world in which any person, regardless of their draw in the lottery of life, can realise their full potential
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The Team (8)
Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with DirectEd. Individuals may not be employed at DirectEd. This is is is not representative of DirectEd's full team.
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Sten Georgii Hellberg
Simon Sällström
Moses Kahure
Cecilia Huang
Fasika Belay Demissie
DirectEd Challenges (1)
Challenge: DApps and Integrations
What applications will provide the most value for end users in 2022?
DirectEd Proposals (17)
Employment Contract Dapp
<p>Lack of formal contracts in developing countries may leave both employers and employees up for exploitation.</p>
Direct Donation for Education
<p>Current donation services lack efficiency, transparency and security. ADA microlending may be difficult due to legal barriers and trust.</p>
Research dApp
<p>Crypto is seen as merely a speculative vehicle, and its potential for research purposes and policy impact assessment has not been showcased.</p>
Oxford student hub
Solution: Start a student hub based at the University of Oxford to attract young programmers to choose to learn Haskell and Plutus.
DirectEd - Donations dApp
Solution: Scholarship/donation platform based on Atala PRISM enabling secure, low-cost, conditional peer-to-peer donations to students.
DirectEd-Student Scholarship Portal
Solution: Scholarship/donation platform based on Atala PRISM enabling secure, low-cost, conditional peer-to-peer donations to students.
Oxford crypto valley: Cardano house
Solution: Establish a Cardano hacker house in the HomeDAO Oxford Crypto Valley alongside other major protocol and VC houses. Talented entrepreneur student tenants contribute to the ecosystem 25% of their time.
DirectEd- Funding Progress Tracker, Dynamic NFTs for Impact and Editable Metadata Quick Pitch
Solution: Plug-and-play integration to display real-time progress, purchasers metadata modification functionality, and an ability for impact organizations to update donors NFTs based on NMKR Dev APIs.
Cardano RealFi Consortium - Coordinator Role: Streamlining Synergies for Real World Blockchain Solutions
Solution: Establish a dedicated Coordinator to conduct business outreach, manage day-to-day operations, marketing of RealFi projects, foster synergies, and facilitate collaboration within the CRFC.
Alternative Assessment Process R&D and Experimental Implementation
Solution: R&D and experimental implementation of several alternative assessment/QA models for Catalyst funds distribution, one of them being the 2-stage proposal assessment process,
DirectEd- Coding Schools and Employers Governance Framework in Africa Quick Pitch
Solution: Our project seeks to establish a governance framework and trust registry that will ensure the quality of education, maintain standards, and build trust among students, employers and other stakeholders
DirectEd- Decentralized Tutor’s Marketplace (Uber for Tutoring) Quick Pitch
Solution: Decentralized Tutor's Marketplace: Uber for Tutorials. This will empower students to choose tutors, reduce monitoring costs, and ensure fund transparency through blockchain.
DirectEd- Crowdfunding & Milestone-Based Smart Contract Primitive and Audit Quick Pitch
Solution: Open source and audit a smart contract primitive that enables multi-party milestones-based distribution of funds to projects or individuals.
Uber for Tutoring - Decentralised Tutor’s Marketplace (DirectEd) Quick Pitch
Solution: Decentralized Tutor's Marketplace: Uber for Tutorials. This will empower students to choose tutors, reduce monitoring costs, and ensure fund transparency through blockchain.
Anti Research Fraud dApp: Qualtrics-Cardano Integration
Solution: A Qualtrics extension that hashes and uploads primary survey respondent data to the Cardano blockchain so that any accusation of data tampering of the raw data can be provably refuted.
General Purpose Crowdfunding and Milestones-based Distribution Smart Contract Framework Quick Pitch
Solution: Open source and audit a smart contract primitive that enables multi-party milestones-based distribution of funds to projects or individuals.