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How is this data calculated?
- A human at Lido Nation manually comb through proposals 2 identify core members of a group. People denoted as such are listed on the group page.
- For these core member, a script finds all the proposals for which they are the primary author & attribute that proposal to the group.
Despite our best efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information presented here, inconsistencies may exist.
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Using machine learning algorithms, Artano aims to improve and customize the user experience. This will help our users discover NFTs more easily based on their search criteria or the unique properties of NFTs they are interested in. Users can always opt out of this feature, but it's there to help them customize their NFT journey.
Community Reviews across funding rounds
Top of mind of Artano in Catalyst
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The Team (3)
Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with Artano. Individuals may not be employed at Artano. This is is is not representative of Artano's full team.
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Artano Challenges (2)
Challenge: Attracting Startups to Cardano
Which challenges, if addressed, will provide a springboard for Cardano adoption?
Challenge: Cardano Global Marketing Campaign
How can we improve the current marketing efforts of the Cardano blockchain to place itself at the go-to solution for anyone who is interested in stepping into the web 3 space?
Artano Proposals (6)
Artano - The NFT Art Marketplace
Solution: An NFT marketplace that is user-driven, open to all and fraud-resistant. We want to build a community, not just a product!
smART Mint: DIY evolving NFTs
Solution: Create a user-friendly programmable NFT minter that requires no prior knowledge about the blockchain or programming.
Cardano Baltic Startup Hub
Solution: Create a startup hub in Tallinn, Estonia. Network, host local events, provide workshops delivered by local and global community members.
Audit Tokens For Catalyst Winners
Solution: Distribute 1 token to each winner of Catalyst, which would tag their wallet and keep track of how they're spending funds in a Dapp.
Creatives Migrating Campaign
Solution: Creating a marketing campaign funded by the community, focused on creatives, artists, galleries, museums and institutions, to place Cardano as a go-to place for artists and creatives.
Collective DRep: Pooling ADA for Accessible Proposal Submission
Solution: We’ll create a smart contract system for ADA holders to pool funds, forming a collective DRep, enabling them to meet the 100K ADA deposit requirement and participate in proposal submissions.