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AIM is the Assembly Inspiring Masses. It is a group of Cardano Catalyst community members who follow the philospohy of "build tools, not rules".
Independent teams form around projects and collect under the umbrella of the AIM.
It is a new type of organisation, one for a blockchain era. One where each project is made up of its suppoorting particpants.
Community Reviews across funding rounds
Top of mind of AIM in Catalyst
most frequent words in proposal details
The Team (3)
Members in Catalyst that have co-proposed with AIM. Individuals may not be employed at AIM. This is is is not representative of AIM's full team.
Follow AIM monthly project reports to have them delivered to your inbox, for all 16 projects.
Individual Projects can also be followed on project page.
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Philip Khoo
Community advisor from fund 3. Fund 4 proposal Infographic Series 1, Community Landing Page
Lucio Baglione
Missing Bio
Missing Bio
AIM Challenges (6)
Challenge: Education| Sustainability |Cardano Quick Pitch
How do we accelerate progress on transformative education + education for sustainable development, and equitably enable and empower individuals globally to access opportunities to thrive and flourish?
Challenge: Mini/Low-Budget Dapps &Integrations
<p>What Low Budget / Mini Decentralized Applications will provide the most value for end users in the next 3 months?</p>
Challenge: Already Approved Project Challenge
What more can projects that have already been approved and have successfully delivered value to the ecosystem with extra funding?
Challenge: Research Challenge
<p>What research can the community fund that will assist in the direction of the catalyst project?</p>
Challenge: Already Approved Project Challenge
What more can projects that have already been approved and have successfully delivered value to the ecosystem with extra funding?
Challenge: Film + Media (FAM) creatives unite!
Global entertainment+media market = $2 trillion. A decentralized FAM network to produce quality Cardano community media is vital yet absent.
AIM Proposals (59)
Animated Explainer Videos-AIM
<p>Many Catalyst concepts are is difficult to understand and hard to explain.</p>
Community Site: Development - AIM
<p>The site helps onboard 1000s of users. New features are requested & ideated, upgrades are required. Bounty system needs further development.</p>
Incentivized Voter Survey - AIM
<p>Information about how voters interact with Catalyst is not well understood, and there are few initiatives tackling this at the moment.</p>
Voter tool translations - AIM
<p>Voter-tools, the community made tool is only in English. Resources are needed to translate the tool into other languages.</p>
Visual communication for community
Solution: Create visual resources to continue the series of info graphics that visually describe Project Catalyst from Fund 3.
Catalyst Community Tools
Solution: Build tools to improve the efficiency of Proposers and Community Advisors work during Catalyst proposals' assessment and review phases. Community Page
Solution: Continue development a community driven Community Landing Page that links to the various material relating to Project Catalyst.
Co-participation fund:
Solution: Create a side treasure that explores different funding models. In this case, a co-funding model exploring funding for low cost proposals.
Proposer-tool on chain - AIM
Solution: Build a prototype proposal submission tool and draft a community effort for protocol level proposal submission.
Authentication Protocol Work Group
Solution: Undertake a series of summits with projects working on authentication to agree on protocol level implementations.
Ideation Protocol Work Group
Solution: Undertake a series of summits with projects working on ideation to agree on protocol level implementations.
Cardano Icons for consistent design
Solution: Working with a great illustrator(s) we will create a series of useful and open iconography with a specifically Cardano style.
cAuth (SSI & oAuth) by AIM
Solution: Develop a decentralized, non-custodial authentication that uses open standards and provides gateway for Web2.0 apps to SSI. Sign-in with ADA
CA-tool Dev & Maintenance - AIM
Solution: Provide funding to maintain the CA-tool for two funds.
vCA-tool Dev & Maitain - AIM
Solution: Provide adequate funding to ensure that the tools is maintained and additional features are added.
Project Catalyst Landing Page
Solution: Build a community driven Community Landing Page that links to the various material relating to Project Catalyst.